Commission scolaire Marguerite Bourgeoys- Centre d'éducation des adultes Outremont- Édifice Filion
We are an adult center that offers an educational program for students aged 16 and over with a mild intellectual disability.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020 From 9am to 7pm
Hotel Universel Montreal 5000 Sherbrooke East, Montreal
Admission is free!
Register now Become an exhibitorThe ID-ASD 18+ fair brings together several resources that offer a variety of activities to young adults living with an intellectual disability or an autism spectrum disorder. These resources offer activities in Montreal on weekdays.
In our third edition we are offering a more complete formula that we hope will cater to your different needs.
Your school path is ending soon? Come and get information from the exhibitors at the fair.
You have an intellectual disability or an autism spectrum disorder, or you are a family member or a friend?
You have ended school or are almost done with school?
The ID-ASD 18+ fair is there to provide answers to your questions and show some options offered by Montreal resources.