The Montreal
ID-ASD 18+ fair
What to do after leaving the school path?

Numerous exhibitors are waiting for you

Wednesday, January 29, 2020
From 9am to 7pm

Hotel Universel Montreal
5000 Sherbrooke East, Montreal

Admission is free!

Register now Become an exhibitor

About the fair

The ID-ASD 18+ fair brings together several resources that offer a variety of activities to young adults living with an intellectual disability or an autism spectrum disorder. These resources offer activities in Montreal on weekdays.

In our third edition we are offering a more complete formula that we hope will cater to your different needs.

The organising comitee


Your school path is ending soon?  Come and get information from the exhibitors at the fair.

  • More than forty exhibitors
  • Resources from the Montreal region:
    • School boards
    • Integrated university health and social services centers (CIUSS)
    • Community resources
    • Employers
  • Welcome speech.  Presentation on the Transition from School to Active Life (TSAL) approach. Presentation about the experience of an employer.
    Attend this presentation at 9:30 AM, 10:45 AM, 2PM and 6PM
  • Presentation on rights advocacy for people living with an ID or ASD.
    Attend this presentation at 1PM or 4PM


They want to meet you …be there!

All of our exhibitors work on the island of Montreal.

Commission scolaire Marguerite Bourgeoys- Centre d'éducation des adultes Outremont- Édifice Filion

Commission scolaire Marguerite Bourgeoys- Centre d'éducation des adultes Outremont- Édifice Filion

We are an adult center that offers an educational program for students aged 16 and over with a mild intellectual disability.


514 855-2278

Les Muses : Centre des Arts de la Scène

Les Muses : Centre des Arts de la Scène

Les Muses offers full-time professional training in the performing arts to people with disabilities and integrates them into professional artistic productions.


514 350-8060

Montreal Association for the Intellectually Handicapped

Montreal Association for the Intellectually Handicapped

Our mission is to accompany and support people with intellectual disabilities so that they can reach their full personal and social potential and find fulfilment.


514 381-2300

La Gang à Rambrou

La Gang à Rambrou

We offer inclusive artistic activities: theater, music, singing, dance and visual arts. We also have a work integration program.


438 391-7195



We are an international digital services company and the first company in Quebec to specifically employ people living with an ASD.


438 521-7579



AVATIL promotes autonomy, social participation, and a satisfying quality of life in the community for adolescents and adults with mild cognitive or social limitations.


514 634-8944



GDI, a Canadian company with an international presence with more than 85 years of experience in the building services, housekeeping and general maintenance industry.


(514) 368-1504



Our specialized employment counsellors offer professional integration service for people with disabilities.


514 526-0887

Protecteur du citoyen

Protecteur du citoyen

The Québec Ombudsman is impartial and independent. Our mission: to assure that the rights of citizens are upheld in their dealings with the public service.


(418) 646-7143

Registration is free

You have an intellectual disability or an autism spectrum disorder, or you are a family member or a friend?

You have ended school or are almost done with school?

The ID-ASD 18+ fair is there to provide answers to your questions and show some options offered by Montreal resources.

Register here

Thank you to our event partners